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The Facts About GRG Ceiling Tiles

 As far as what GRG ceiling tiles are and why they are popular, what do you need to know? Is GRG ceiling tile something you've heard of before? It would be helpful if you took a look at them so that you will know what they are and whether they may be right for you and your ceiling. Interior designers initially developed GRG ceiling tiles to lower ceilings while deadening noise in a room. The original ceiling of the room is suspended from a grid of metal strips with acoustic ceiling tiles. Using the grid to create sections, the sound-absorbing acoustic ceiling tiles are dropped in. Additionally, older buildings and basements may have unsightly fixtures, wires, and pipes hidden by the ceilings. From the 1960s through the early 1980s, acoustic ceiling tiles were very popular. A ban on asbestos in 1978 greatly impacted the production of acoustic ceiling tiles since they originally contained asbestos. Asbestos acoustic ceiling tiles had to be removed by experts and replaced with altern...

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